Our Services :

Professional Website/ Blog to make an Amazing First Impression

From simple blog site to a fully functional corporate site, WordPress is a good choice to create professional websites. SocialDNA Labs team of developers specialize in implementing customized WordPress solutions.

WordPress is a free and open-source CMS system based on PHP and MySQL and enables developers to create beautiful websites or network of websites. Even a non-technical admin can handle the site without learning to code.

WordPress Web Development Service

We develop user-friendly and easy-to-update CMS websites for large, small, and medium enterprises. From a professional online brochure to a blog site, everything is possible with WordPress. Once the site is developed, it is very simple to add or modify the existing content in terms of text and images. Even a non-technical person with the login credentials can modify the content on your website.

Benefits of Using WordPress as your CMS:

Easy meta tagging of content enables search engines to read the content and display it to the end user (SEO ready)

  • Well-documented code helps the developer to make changes to the coding if and when required.
  • Blog integration for knowledge sharing and readership building
  • Built-in content preview tools for testing the site
  • Schedule content for publishing in future
  • Granular access controls for various users
  • Drop-down customizable menus with hierarchy support

SocialDNA Labs WordPress Capabilities:

  • WordPress website development
  • Update website, data backup and regular maintenance
  • WordPress version upgrade
  • Securing websites against malware and hacking

WordPress Application:


We developed a WordPress website for an eCommerce client to showcase and sell products online. As the website is a source of revenue, there is zero disruption, any number of users at a time, and completely secure payment gateway with integrated internet banking, PayPal, Debit/ Credit card.

Blog site

An easy to publish blog content website with option to add images and other multimedia components along with text. Client can tag the keywords for SEO, schedule to post at a later date and time.


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