Our Services :

Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)

Businesses generate maximum return on their investment when they are able to focus on their core competencies and derive optimum advantage from their resources and operations. Without an automated and integrated system to streamline the process, the business loses more value than accounted. To remain at the front of the competition and for the smooth functioning of each department, an Enterprise Resource Planning system needs to be implemented.

SocialDNA Labs leverage its years of experience in different industries and its technical excellence to develop customized enterprise resource planning system. We understand, analyze and identify the various segments of your business to find bottlenecks and pain areas. We design a prototype that lets you experience a streamlined business. The automation breaks down complexity and brings in simplicity which is of utmost importance in running any business.

We develop a database management system so that all the data generated within your organization and the external data collects at a single point and can be accessed with ease. This repository database gives you access to mission-critical information. The purpose is to connect individual departments such as payroll, human resources, sales and marketing, finance, inventory, etc.

Our approach to software development and the latest tools and technologies combined with talented professionals gives you the advantage of competitiveness and innovation. The ERP system can be cloud based or on-premise depending upon your business nature and objectives. Few technologies that we use for ERP development are:I.


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