Our Services :

Perfectly tailored Android Apps to match your business standards

SocialDNA Labs has a wide range of Android apps portfolio. Our Android specialists work expertly using the APIs included in Android SDK. We have developed advanced apps that utilize device hardware and functionality such as camera, Bluetooth, magnetometer, accelerometer, gyrometer, and light sensors.
With awesome designs that leave the users awestruck and glued to our apps, we strive to achieve excellence in each of our works. The open source operating system gives Android the advantage of featuring apps with great flexibility, design and functionality. Our developers are conversant with Android native SDK and develop apps that are completely secure.

Bring your business to smartphones with our Android apps. With many apps running successfully, clients are shifting from the web to mobile only. This boosts their productivity and generates better ROI.

SocialDNA Labs Android developers’ team works in all Android app development tools and technologies involving:

  • Android SDK
  • Android Media APIs
  • Location–based Service APIs
  • Wi–Fi APIs
  • Android Security Architecture
  • 3D graphics

Why choose us?

Our team of app development experts strives to make every application stand out thus strongly reflecting the brand image while also creating a fascinating end user experience.
Our professional team of skillful experts has a knack for fast prototyping and quick development, and consider ourselves highly responsible for each project. Thus, helping you outrun the competition.
We ensure that all our client’s concerns have been addressed by providing them timely development reports and take their every feedback positively for the continuous improvement of the project.
You get world-class advanced level IT technology at lowest prices.

Social DNA Labs provides award-winning services, right from planning concept to result-oriented execution, everything is covered in the entire development process. Our proven agile methodology deliver end-to-end custom products and services that are easily adaptable by a complete range of Android devices, including smartphones, tablets, and Android TVs.


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