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Inbound Marketing

We help enterprises like yours to build a strong foundation and get into make some noise,generate fresh leads,and eventually add on to your revenue. The most effective way of attracting customers and turning leads into purchases is through Inbound Marketing. One of its functions include content marketing that allow brands to promote their products and services in the digital world which may be useful to the audience


Our Inbound-Marketing solutions allow you to make a focused and streamlined approach to your audience. With our smart tools get strategies, industry-leading software and buyer insights, to target your customers and serve them with the information they’re searching for SocialDNA Labs in-house team of brand strategists and designers work collectively to produce pieces of content perfectly tailored to target your audience that is served over multiple digital channels. This insight, along with data research and a strong strategy, allows to target potential buyers and convert them into qualified leads


Our strategic technique of attracting potential buyers?

You don’t need just anyone visiting your site. You want potential internet users who are most likely to become your leads, and, eventually, happy customers. So, how do you get them?
Reach your Customers via Great Content posted in the form of these inbound marketing techniques:

  • Blog Posts and Articles
  • Social Media Posts
  • Infographics
  • YouTube Videos
  • Podcasts
  • Slide Presentations
  • EBooks
  • Whitepapers, Case studies, and Documentation


Basically, Inbound Marketing engages the right customers via content posted on multiple channels and platforms. Thus, this creates interest and awareness about your brand which will in return pull qualified leads into the pipeline and take them to your sales team when they are most likely to buy from you. SocialDNA Labs marketing team works on ensuring that we engage these audiences and increase the traffic that has most probability of changing into a sale.


Crucial Insights into Building successful Business Empires

Account-Based Marketing

Also known as Customer acquisition marketing, the Account-based Marketing is the best solution when you know your potential client but lack the strategy and resources to make a pitch. With a sound Account-Based Marketing Strategy, our marketing and sales teams decide which accounts are most likely to generate sales revenue and then set a target on them. We make an impactful and presentable profile that you can present to the client you have selected.


We provide you with the channel to nourish your relationship with clients, to read what they need and to deliver personalized solutions. ABM seeks to improve Client Value and bring Client and Sales onto the same page. Thus, we will help in improving returns from the individual client, focus on their satisfaction and assure they stay satisfied.


Obtaining your prospects with ABM

ABM or Account Based Marketing has been used significantly by many companies worldwide. Its magnitude and extent have only been realized recently. Our team of strategists, technology experts, and content creators can help you deliver an Account-Based marketing program that drives revenue for your company. In ABM, we help you obtain the critical prospect via focused marketing techniques:

  • Company profile development.
  • Client Profile development based on facts and figures.
  • Identify key decision-makers of the client company.
  • Chart out best possible ways to contact the right person.
  • Bespoke marketing campaigns to attract the buyer.
  • Nurture lead and transfer to the sales team.
  • Presentation of Brand.


ABM can increase the ROI from a particular client remarkably. It has generated a lot of opportunities for numerous businesses and has certainly helped in bringing and retaining clients too.


Crucial Insights into Building successful Business Empires

OutBound Marketing

SocialDNA Labs has teams who can expertly create custom ecosystems of complementary media and messages that get immediate results while building strong brands. Without a solid brand, you don’t engage with audience. Without a solid offer strategy, you don’t generate leads.


We initiate the conversation and send messages out to an audience on behalf of our client. Outbound marketing examples include the traditional marketing methods such as TV ads, radio, banners, or cold calling are all part of Outbound Marketing but are also obsolete methods of reaching masses. Our team of marketing specialists at SocialDNA Labs work on different strategies that make Outbound Marketing interesting and worth the investment. Instead of interrupting audience with irrelevant and bulky ads on web pages and emails, we devise methods that are bound to gain attention from the viewers.


Drawing Audience attention with Outbound Marketing tactics

Our Outbound Marketing tactics initiate a conversation around your company, services, and products to send out a message by rapidly spreading the word of its existence through a variety of traditional form of media.

Grab your Customers’ attention with innovative and attractive ads on;

  • Trade Shows
  • Email Blasts
  • Direct Mails
  • PPC (Pay-Per-Click)
  • Banner Advertising (Print and Online)
  • Radio and TV ads
  • Telemarketing and cold calls


This strategy will help you drive up sales and get maximum return on marketing investment (ROMI).


Crucial Insights into Building successful Business Empires

Performance-Based Marketing

Direct response marketing efforts that can be measured are worth your money. We utilize marketing models that can be measured for performance and only those efforts are charged which actually generate some real value.


Our Performance-Based Marketing team makes use of 3 models under cost-per-action (performance-based marketing) such as pay-per-click, pay-per-lead, and pay-per-scale for maximum audience value by low customer acquisition costs. We display ads, but the client is charged for the ads only when a customer takes an action on that ad. There is no charge for displaying digital ads.


Performance Marketing Models

In Performance marketing, we help you acquire the key prospect via integrated marketing concept. There are several different models on which you can work as an Advertiser or Affiliate. They are;

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Associate Programs
  • Referral Programs
  • Compensation via click-through-rate


We use software automation to track and manage multiple campaigns and apply intelligent analytics to gather information about the methods that work best.

Performance based marketing is ideal for Advertisers because it only compensates when desired actions are made by site visitors. Affiliate marketers like the performance-based model because the more they produce the higher the commissions per action can go. Performance based marketing has grown to huge levels and is still growing as more individual and companies decide to work on this model.


Crucial Insights into Building successful Business Empires

Demand Generation

Being found by search engines and getting listed organically can take months, sometimes leading to no or slow accumulation of traffic and leads for your campaigns. Our Demand Generation tactics leverage various paid media platforms, including Google Adwords, Facebook, LinkedIn and more to create targeted traffic for your campaigns right away, leading to immediate traffic and conversions.


Our Demand Generation techniques are nothing but a data-driven approach to induce the interest of the common people in your company’s products or services using paid media. This product marketing technique is done to immediately drive targeted and quality traffic to your website and to meet the goal of increasing the quantity and quality of leads experiencing your digital marketing efforts.


Our approach to market your products

Our expert consultants have defined and redefined demand generation processes for the clients in industries all over the world. SocialDNA Labs consultants are focused on improving our clients’ Demand Generation activities through:

  • Quality Content
  • Email Campaigning
  • PPC
  • Brand Building by creating buzz
  • Newsletter Subscription
  • Connecting to Customers on Social Media


This strategy is the most effective tool to market faster and effectively as it uses the benefits of both traditional as well as modern marketing approaches.


Crucial Insights into Building successful Business Empires

Marketing Outsourcing

Business owners are always looking for ways to reach their target audience- even while they are asleep! Marketing is one of the essential aspects of every business, and it is important to market your business.


There are just too many factors when it comes to running a business. Today, competition is already surviving in every nook and corner of all business. There isn’t a single division of profession today that doesn’t have tuff competition. To gain success while coping up with all this, maintaining sales, retaining employees and well, marketing can take a back seat. But, it shouldn’t.

If you have set your marketing budget, it is time to rope in the best talent by opting for Marketing Outsourcing. Supported by smart Marketing Technology and robust prospecting system, we enable you to accelerate the functions of your sales team and efficiently boost your sales productivity through our Lead Generation Services. We provide 360-degree marketing solutions to generate maximum return on your marketing investments.


Things we do to make your digital presence significant

We take care of all aspects of marketing your brand and its products and services so that you can focus on your core competency. Our in-house marketing team is backed by years of experience handling multiple clients in different industries and at various locations. You want attention; we bring it to you.

  • Online presence via website, blog and social media pages.
  • Social Media Marketing via Facebook page, LinkedIn company profile, Google+,
  • Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
  • Sales via outbound methods such as cold calling.
  • Market research and Automation via software.
  • Lead generation and Nurturing.
  • Copywriting and guest blogging at reputed platforms.
  • Email Marketing
  • Mobile App development
  • PPC and Ad campaign


SocialDNA Labs marketing team works on ensuring that we engage the right audience and increase the traffic that has most probability of changing into a sale.


Crucial Insights into Building successful Business Empires

Lead Generation

Our team members bring over a decade of experience in Lead Generation Services. We streamline our focus on building ROI for our clients by providing successful Lead Generation strategies that help fuel sales for years to come.


When operating a business, aligning yourself with other businesses in the market will help your bottom line revenue shoot up quickly. As a leading firm in providing high performing solutions, we equip your company with assets that will improve your overall sales.

Generating a high number of leads that miss the expected conversion rate is a wastage of time, money and productivity. Sales team efforts are best rewarded if the leads are qualified and there is a scope for conversion. Our clients get the advantage of our expert Lead Generation techniques and get a database of qualified leads that transform to maximum output.


Developing and executing customized Lead Generation strategies

We develop a robust Lead Generation strategy based on thorough research around your business and its competition before venturing into the complete process of lead generation:

  • Marketing automation tools
  • Market Research
  • Content Marketing
  • Strategizing Lead Generation tactics
  • Lead nurturing program
  • Newsletters
  • Whitepapers and Case studies
  • Polls, Surveys, and Feedbacks.


We save your precious time of calling waste leads by giving you a database that really helps. Time is money, and we help you save it.


Crucial Insights into Building successful Business Empires

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